We act as facilitators for the benefit of the whole community. Neither promoters nor activists, we are communication professionals dedicated to creating comprehensive public participation programs.
We listen carefully to citizens. We are straightforward with promoters. We guarantee an inclusive approach to public authorities. And we are transparent with all stakeholders. Because we truly believe in the genius loci and the wisdom of communities. Without bias.
We know from experience that things are not black or white. We bring context to the table, we provide the necessary nuances and we promote dialogue. This open and empathetic approach makes it possible to develop innovative solutions, even within very large groups of participants.
We assume that our actions generate public input that will be considered in a meaningful way in the decision-making process.
Our public participation activities promote viable and sustainable decisions, because they take into account the expectations of all stakeholders, including those of decision-makers.
Our public consultations take into account the needs of stakeholders in the very design of the methods of participation and our formats are adapted accordingly.
Our communication and marketing expertise is used to mobilize those who are potentially affected or interested in a decision, in inclusive, non-discriminatory and respectful public consultations.
We believe that public participation initiatives must provide the necessary information to stakeholders in a neutral and objective manner to allow them to make a significant contribution to the discussion.

A great source of inspiration
We are members of IAP2 and we adhere to its code of ethics, which has greatly inspired us in the creation of our own corporate values.
The International Association for Public Participation (IP2) is a cross Canada organization committed to encouraging the practice of public participation in Canada. It is intended for individuals, governments, institutions and other entities whose activities affect public interest in Canada and around the world.